Friday, March 20, 2009

Who Wants To Be A Trillionaire?

So now the Federal Reserve plans to pump one trillion dollars into the financial system. That's 12 zeros, as in $1,000,000,000,000. I think. Math was never my strong suit.

Anyhow, the Fed's idea du jour apparently is that the best way to save our economy is to give the same people who got us into this jam, who have already received a trillion dollars (give or take a few billion and not counting the $165 million in A.I.G. bonuses that Congress wants us to believe we'll get back), MORE MONEY. Of course, we don't really have any money to give, and we've reached our credit limit with other governments - China has already loaned us a trillion and has had enough of the Silly American Lending Game for now - so we'll just print the money!!! After all, it's just paper and ink, right?


How about this for an idea?

Instead of giving that two trillion dollars to the same elite group of degenerate, Mercedes-driving pigs who drove us off this cliff to begin with, let's distribute it evenly to everyone in America. There are about 300 million Americans. Two trillion dollars divided by 300 million comes out to roughly $6,700 per American. Everybody, young and old, taxpayer or not, rich and poor, gets $6,700. Fuck it, there's enough to go around, it's just paper!

In cash, bye-the-way, so the banks won't give us more of that "you have to wait a week for the check to clear" horseshit, and so we can actually SEE our money instead of hearing about it.

A married couple would receive a check for $13,200. A family of five would receive $33,500. The Jim Bob Dugger family with 18 kids on TLC would get... wait a minute... $134,000?! The religious funamentalists are gonna love this plan!

Then we can all go out and do what we Americans do best: BUY MORE SHIT! Forget about this top to bottom, trickle down nonsense. It doesn't work. It's just giving more money to the people who need it least. Let's bottom to top our way out of our economic doldrums, and give ALL the people flat screen TV's and Wii's!

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